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[RS] - Admins Complaints

d9Y8dyj.gif  The area where you can report an admin on the server. back.gif



Dacă primiți ban pe motiv că ați folosit cod, veți face cerere unban și nu reclamație.

 Reclamațiile asupra adminiilor se fac doar în caz de abuzuri sau dacă îi prindeți cu cod.

Nerespectarea modelului duce la închiderea topicului fără soluționare.

Titlu Topic [Reclamație] Nume Admin 

Dovada este obligatorie.


If you receive a ban because you used a cheat, you will make an unban request and not a complaint.

Complaints about the admins are made only in case of abuse or if you catch them with cheats.

Failure to comply with the model leads to the topic being closed without a solution.

Title Topic [Complaint] Admin Name

Proof is required.

Model Romanian

Nume : 
Nume admin reclamat : 
Motivul : 
Data si ora : 
Dovezi : 
Explicarea situației : 


Model English

Name :
Admin Name:
The reason :
Date and time :
Explanation of the situation:

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    • Community Founder
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      • Fondator
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About Us

A gaming community that was founded in 2018, but has been through a lot. Thanks to the STAFF and loyal players, it managed to become a community in continuous development. If you want to be part of the ZeroHP family, we expect you to register with your server for Counter Strike 1.6, Global Offensive, TeamSpeak, SA-MP, Minecraft or to become part of the Staff of the current servers in our community.
