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Everything posted by Pro-KinG

  1. Name In-Game:Pro-KinG Age:23 City:gaza Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:555606070 Amx Experience:good Did you read the server rules?:yes Facebook/Skype: https://www.facebook.com/noor.salem.200 Are you willing to donate?:yes Server Reviews:It's an excellent server, the people are excellent Teamspeak3 Activty(Requested!):yes Where did you find out about the server : Internet Link Gametracker: https://www.gametracker.com/player/Pro-KinG/
  2. My friend, I have experience as an administrator and I know how to manage this task
  3. I swear I will do my duty as an administrator
  4. -EQ- MAXIM My friend, I am an Arab from Palestine I will protect the server from anyone who cheats and I will do my duty as an administrator
  5. Name In-Game:Pro-KinG Age:23 City:gaza Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:555606070 Amx Experience:good Did you read the server rules?:yes Facebook/Skype: https://www.facebook.com/noor.salem.200 Are you willing to donate?:yes Server Reviews:It's an excellent server, the people are excellent Teamspeak3 Activty(Requested!):yes Where did you find out about the server : Internet Link Gametracker: https://www.gametracker.com/player/Pro-KinG/
  6. Nume & Nickname:Pro-KinG Vârsta:22 Locația:gaza Modalitate de contact: aici pm Grad dorit:admin or super admin De ce vrei acest grad?: Să continui să joci fără să înșeli Categoria unde vrei moderezi:admin and vip and player Timp alocat forumului [zilnic]: 4ore Experiență în domeniu?: 10 ani Alte precizări?: Nu As dori daca se poate sa am admin pe server joc mai tot timpul pe server,seara mai intra codatii si nu e cine sa ii baneze.. va multumesc!
  7. I need a super admin to take care of the server My game name Pro-KinG numberphone +972 597462783 Contact me on WhatsApp

About Us

A gaming community that was founded in 2018, but has been through a lot. Thanks to the STAFF and loyal players, it managed to become a community in continuous development. If you want to be part of the ZeroHP family, we expect you to register with your server for Counter Strike 1.6, Global Offensive, TeamSpeak, SA-MP, Minecraft or to become part of the Staff of the current servers in our community.
