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Everything posted by KenWood

  1. VIP Benefits / Beneficii VIP +1000 cox upon purchase VIP tag - Chat + Scoreboard VIP connecting to server message 1.7x damage multiplier 95 free armor every round +50 HP when on Human team Bonus cox per infection Bonus cox per kill Access to VIP Weapons Menu Access to VIP Zombie Classes: 1. Zombie Parasite - Level 14 - Get a free infection bomb when infected and every 5 infections. 2. Black Widow - Level 27 - Powers: Web bomb + Hang on walls The price of the VIP is 5 Euro per month. Payment can be done through PayPal/Paysafe/Revolut/Bank transfer If the VIP player breaks a rule then the VIP will be removed for the current month. He can buy VIP again in the next month.
  3. Send me a pm with username and password.
  4. 1) ADMIN RULES 1.1) Admins are not allowed to stay AFK in spectator when the server is FULL unless spectating a hacker or enforcing rules. (Warn) 1.2) Admins are not allowed to use amx commands on another Admin [Exception for emergencies, like banning everyone and such] (Downgrade/Remove) 1.3) Admins are not allowed to spam white/red hud announcement. These are to be used only when announcements or warning players. (Warn) 1.4) Admins should be an example for the other players, and should always try to help them when questions are asked. (Warn) 1.5) Admins have extra responsabilities, but it doesn't mean they're above the other players. Any kind of abuse is forbidden. (Warn/Downgrade/Remove) For admins, 3 warns will result in DOWNGRADE. Admins might receive instant DOWNGRADE/REMOVE depending on the gravity of the situation if they don't respect the rules. 2) GENERAL RULES 2.1) Everyone must be respectful to other players. (Slay/kick/Ban) 2.2) Hacking or cheating of any kind is not allowed. (ban) 2.3) Advertising is not allowed. (Ban) 2.4) Spamming (chat / mic / radio) is not allowed. (gag/kick) 2.5) Players are not allowed to abuse any bugs that might occur on the server, and instead they have to report them. (Slay/kick/Ban) 2.6) Asking for admin/in-game currency/vip for free is forbidden (gag/kick) 2.6) Players should not question the admin's choices to start fights, if something doesn't seem right, you can always report them (Gag/Kick) 2.6) Blackmailing admins or other players with reports or other thing is forbidden (Gag/Kick/Ban) 2.7) Farming/Free is forbidden. (-1 lv/reset levels) 2.8) Humans and zombies are not allowed to make a team during the round (Slap/Slay/Kick/Reset level/Ban) 2.9) When requesting admin, for the question "Have you read the rules" you must reply with: "I am doing it right now!" (Reject) 2.10) For plague mode, humans are not allowed to use sandbags if there is a survivor behind them in a hiding spot, and zombies are not allowed to block a nemesis from getting to humans/survivors by standing between them and not attacking (Slay) 2.11) Using in-game bugs such as "SGS" or "Wall hoping" is forbidden (Slay/Kick/Ban) 3) GAMEPLAY RULES HUMANS 3.1) Blocking other humans with Sandbangs is not allowed. (Slap/Slay/Kick) 3.2) Using lasermines in a state that the zombies can not reach it to break it is forbidden (Slap/Slay/Kick) 3.3) Self infection is not allowed, getting infected on purpose so you can kill humans isn't allowed (Slay/Kick/Reset level/Ban) 3.4) Using lasermine/sandbags to glitch someone else out of a spot to sabotage them is forbidden. (Slay/Kick) 3.5) Humans are not allowed to get into unreachable places. (Slay/Kick) 3.6) Shooting at other humans' Sandbangs is not allowed. (Slay/Kick) 3.7) If a human arrives first to a hiding spot, they are not allowed to stay at the entrance to block the others (Unless the hiding spot is too small) (Slap/Slay/Kick) 3.8) Humans are allowed to use both lasermines and sandbags at the same time, but only if they're alone in the hiding spot, otherwise they may both use either lasermines or sandbags, but not both items at the same time (Slap/Slay/Kick) 3.9) Ignore what was written at point 2.9) and instead players will reply with: "I just finished!" (Reject) ZOMBIES 3.10) Trucing (Blocking other zombies to cover the humans to farm/earn score) is not allowed. (Slap/slay/Kick/Reset level/Ban) 3.11) Camping as of blocking doors to help humans from infect is not allowed. (Slap/Slay/Kick/Reset level/Ban) 3.12) Holding Grudged / Using infection bomb / Wasting it every round on a particular player (purposely targetting them) is not allowed. You may use it on them only 3 times a map. (Kick/Ban). 3.13) Zombies are not allowed to hide in corners just waiting for their powers to come up and spam them, using a power/ All Zombies have the obligation to apply pressure and attack humans at all times. (Slap/Slay) 3.14) Zombies aren't allowed to reconnect if they have been chosen first zombie (Slay/Kick) 3.15) Zombies MUST try to attack humans regardless of the current map / mode. (Slap/Slay)
  5. Romana Nume: Numele adminului reclamat: Data si ora: Dovezi: Descrierea incidentului: Dovezile pot fi atat Demo cat si capturi de ecran. Reclamatiile fara dovezi nu vor fi luate in considerare! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ English Name : Admin name: Date and time: Evidence: Explanation: Evidence can be both Demo and Screenshots. Complaints without evidence will not be considered!
  6. Romana Nume: Vârstă (minim 14): Ore jucate (link GameTracker): Steam (ON/OFF): Grad actual: Grad solicitat: Gradele si orele necesare le gasiti la sectiunea Administrative Announcements. English Name: Age (minimum 14): Time played: Steam (ON/OFF): Actual Rank: Requested Ranl: You can find ranks and required hours in the section Administrative Announcements.
  7. Romana Nume: Ore jucate (link GameTracker): Ai citit regulamentul?: Minimul de ore necesar pentru slot este 15 ore. English Name: Time played (link GameTracker): Have you read the Rules?: Time played on the server must be at least 15 hours.
  8. Descriere : Oferă anumite bonusuri persoanelor cu anumite flaguri. Ştiu că au mai fost făcute dar acesta este puţin mai optimizat. Pluginul este foarte bun pentru serverele de furien clasice. Autor : KenWood Versiune : 0.9 Cvaruri : - Instalare : 1. Fisierul furien_benefits.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins 3. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma: furien_benefits.amxx Descarcare : Alte info : -Dacă doriti să folositi in locul banilor ( $ ), credite atunci scoateti "//" de la linia //#define USING_CREDITS si va modificati numele nativelor cu numele nativelor voastra ( poate aveti gold sau mai stiu eu ce ) 🙂 -Pentru a modifica flagurile intrati in amxmodx/configs/benefits.ini. Aveti acolo un exemplu. Daca doriti sa nu primeasca HP/Ap spawn sau orice din beneficii doar lasa liber ( "" ). De exemplu: "VIP Platinum" "bcdefjkt" "125" "150" "2000" "25" "50" "3" Asta inseamnă că jucatorul cu gradul "bcdefjkt va primi la spawn 125 hp si 150 ap, 2000$ pe kill, 25HP pe kill si 50AP pe kill si poate sări de 3 ori. Sper că aţi înţeles. Este un plugin facut cu ceva timp in urma de mine pentru a ajuta detinatorii de servere furien sa isi puna beneficii pe mai multe tipuri de VIP. Este postat si pe net si a fost folosit de cateva servere. Sper sa va ajute. 🙂 furien_benefits.sma furien_benefits.amxx
  9. Salut. Din punctul meu de vedere este scris cu picioarele. Nu respecta nicio regula: - Nu exista naming convention, numele variabilelor sunt puse din burta, ex: start, stop etc... - Codul nu este identat, este foarte greu de inteles ce a vrut autorul sa creeze acolo. - "set_task( 60.0, "check", _, _, _, "b" )" - acest call nu face nimic, e pusa degeaba deoarece functia check are ca parametru id-ul unui player, iar autorul trimite "_" ceea ce inseamna default value. Functia check este bine apelata doar din fw "client_putinserver" - A fost creat un cvar pentru ceva ce trebuia facut sa nu fie configurabil, mai exact "minutes" - singurul rol al acestui cvar este de a verifica daca este ora la care trebuie sa inceapa/termine eventul. Fiind cvar exista riscul ca un admin sa iti modifice valoarea, iar pluginul nu va mai functiona in parametrii, poate chiar nu va mai functiona deloc. - Eventul nu va fi activ in cazul in care tu vei pune cvarul de start sub ora 24:00, iar start dupa ora 24:00 - exemplu: daca vrei VIP free intre 9 seara ( 21:00 ) si 10 dimineata, pluginul nu va merge. - Stock-ul de colorchat este folosit degeaba deoarce in amxmodx 1.8.3 exista client_print_color incorporat
  10. Romana Nume: Vârstă (minim 14): Ore jucate: Steam (ON/OFF): Experienţă: Ai citit regulamentul?: English Name: Age (minimum 14): Time played: Steam (ON/OFF): Experience: Have you read the Rules?:
  11. DNS dorit ( nume.zerohp.ro ) : zm.zerohp.ro IP server : Firma unde este găzduit serverul : txx.ro (fostul TNI) Mod de joc : Zombie Modalitate de contact : Discord/Whatsapp Link gametracker : https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Categorii dorite: -Regulament -Cereri Admin -Reclamatii -Sugestii

About Us

A gaming community that was founded in 2018, but has been through a lot. Thanks to the STAFF and loyal players, it managed to become a community in continuous development. If you want to be part of the ZeroHP family, we expect you to register with your server for Counter Strike 1.6, Global Offensive, TeamSpeak, SA-MP, Minecraft or to become part of the Staff of the current servers in our community.
