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Posts posted by Talibanu

  1. Titlul topicului trebuie sa fie: Cerere Admin "Nick-ul Tau"


    Primele 3 cifre CNP:
    Experienta Adminat?:
    Experienta Mod Biohazard?:
    De ce doresti Admin:
    Descrie-te pe scurt (30-50 cuvinte):
    Ore jucate:
    Link ore jucate:
    Ai citit si inteles regulamentul?:
    Ai votat vreodata serverul pana acum? (obligatoriu/dovada):
    SteamID-ul dvs. (optional):
    IP-ul dvs. (optional):

    Link Ore Jucate Server: 

    Discord Server: 


    -Daca ati facut cerere ADMIN si ati fost respins puteti face o noua cerere abia dupa 14 zile. (Daca indepliniti toate cerintele).
    -Numarul de ore cerut iti permite sa faci CEREREA ADMIN, pentru a fi acceptat trebuie sa demonstrezi ca ai experienta !!!
    -Daca nu pui Dovezi la intrebarea "Experienta Adminat?" vei fi respins automat. 
    -Daca esti acceptat ca admin si nu vei avea activitate sau nu te descurci vei primi REMOVE!!!
    -Varsta minima pentru a face cerere ADMIN este de 16 ani, daca nu pui primele 3 cifre din CNP va fi respins automat.

    The title of the topic must be: Request Admin "Your Nick"


    Your age:
    Describe your Admin experience:
    Describe your Biohazard experience:
    Why do you want to be an admin?:
    Describe yourself briefly (30-50 words):
    Hours played:
    Link with your activity on the server:
    Did you read and understand the Rules?:
    Have you ever voted the server yet? (mandatory/proof):
    Your SteamID (optional):
    Your IP (optional):

    Link Hours Played Server:

    Discord Server: 


    -If you made an ADMIN request and were rejected you can make a new request only after 14 days. (If you meet all the requirements).
    -The required number of hours allows you to make an ADMIN REQUEST, to be accepted you must prove that you have experience!!!
    -If you do not put Evidence to the question "Administrative experience?" you will be automatically rejected.
    -If you are accepted as an admin and you will not have activity or you do not manage, you will receive REMOVE!!!
    -The minimum age to apply ADMIN is 16 years, if you don't put a proof about your age, you will be automatically rejected.

About Us

A gaming community that was founded in 2018, but has been through a lot. Thanks to the STAFF and loyal players, it managed to become a community in continuous development. If you want to be part of the ZeroHP family, we expect you to register with your server for Counter Strike 1.6, Global Offensive, TeamSpeak, SA-MP, Minecraft or to become part of the Staff of the current servers in our community.
