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DNS dorit ( nume.zerohp.ro ) :FURIEN.ZEROHP.RO

IP server :

Firma unde este găzduit serverul :GAZDUIREJOCURI

Mod de joc :FURIEN

Modalitate de contact :IG razvan.dri69

Link gametracker :https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

Categorii dorite: 

[FURIEN] Regulament Server
[FURIEN] - Cereri Accese
[FURIEN] Cereri Upgrade
[FURIEN] Cereri Unban
[FURIEN] Cereri Schimbare Nume
[FURIEN] Reclamatii Admini
[FURIEN] BanList
[FURIEN] Propuneri
[FURIEN] Arhiva

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  • Community Founder

Salut am stat bn si m-am gandit ca nu are rost sa stau sa creez intruna la toti categorii pentru o saptamana de zile sau o luna maxim

Dar sa stau sa pierd timp degeaba nu are rost. iti voi accepta momentan decat dns dorit daca esti de acord dar nu vreau sa mai vad servere goale pe comunitate de azi inainte dau termen si la sv king s se apuce sa dea boost la server sau daca nu parteneriatul cu sv lui va fi inchis 

iti dau dns daca doresti si timp maxim 2 saptamani sa ridici activitatea serverului tau daca nu v-a veni sters si dns.

Daca nu esti de acord poti sa cauti o alta comunitate.

imi scri in privat daca vrei dns sau nu :j3J67Cv:.


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About Us

A gaming community that was founded in 2018, but has been through a lot. Thanks to the STAFF and loyal players, it managed to become a community in continuous development. If you want to be part of the ZeroHP family, we expect you to register with your server for Counter Strike 1.6, Global Offensive, TeamSpeak, SA-MP, Minecraft or to become part of the Staff of the current servers in our community.
