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[Respawn] Unban Request - "Your girlfriends wet dream"

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Name : Your girlfriends wet dream

The admin who banned you : Ciumpilan

The reason : 0

Date and time : Permanent ban

IP & SteamID (numeric) : STEAM_1:1:1458706675

Evidence : no evidence provided because I'm banned for no reason.

Explanation of the situation : Admin "Ciumpilan" banned me for literally no reason.

Anyone on this server knows that I don't use cheats or anything like that.

My former server name was "Adolf Hitler" and I was in top 3 on this server, so you can know that I'm regular player on this server.

It is true that I use some weird names but I was playing a lot of time when head admins "google" and "pAw" were on the server and they didn't say my name was a problem. If any admin told me that I need to change my name I would have changed it right away.

I hope my ban was just a mistake and I would like to get unbanned because I did nothing wrong. Thank you in advance.


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This admin "Ciumplian" is real amateur .. of course I'm shooting through the box because we were shooting it from both sides (CT and T) .. I remember killing "Ciumpilan" lots of times but didn't know I can get banned because he don't understand the mechanics of the cs 1.6 (which is shooting through the walls)


I'm writing this in my good will and just don't understand the people who think I would need to use a WH to shoot randomly through the boxes .. 


Ciumpilan I see that you don't know how to play so let me elaborate what I did: when you shoot through the box you get damage numbers on your screen and than you know that someone is on the other side of that box or even wall. Now start playing and you will get better at the game and stop banning people for playing better than you.


Admins like you are destroying good servers, I'm just sorry that people like you can even get admin panel. First you need to be a good player to become an admin, not the other way around.


This is pure amateurism .. I'm very disappointed


I would like some admin that knows how to play to take a look at the video and I'm sure he wouldn't say it's a cheat


I don't even believe that anyone nowadays uses WH it's detectable so your story is now even more funny but okay, have a nice day noob.

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Wall exista sigur.Eu zic ca l-am surprins destul de bine in demo acuma ca m-am mai uitat odata la el .Poate sa imi tina mie teorie cat doreste .Oricum daca ii dati unban o sa intre iar cu coade .Nici o problema o sa fiu prezent .NOOBUL de mine bahahahah😃.

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