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[ENG]/[ZHP] Ruls News


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  • Fondator



✔ The title of the topic must be [ZHP] The name of the news , EX: [ZHP] COVID-19 is spreading again.

✔ Only news about world are posted in the created topic.

✔ You are only allowed to post 5 news per day.

✔ Topics will be closed after 48 hours of one Moderator.

✔ Double-Posting is prohibited.

✔ It is forbidden to post the same news twice.

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A gaming community that was founded in 2018, but has been through a lot. Thanks to the STAFF and loyal players, it managed to become a community in continuous development. If you want to be part of the ZeroHP family, we expect you to register with your server for Counter Strike 1.6, Global Offensive, TeamSpeak, SA-MP, Minecraft or to become part of the Staff of the current servers in our community.
